I've already learned that I can install and use MySQL and PostgreSQL
simultaneously on my laptop, though I haven't yet learned how to connect to
my Postgre database from a web page, write a query, etc. So here's what I'm

I have several big, complex websites driven by a MySQL database. I'd like
to install PostgreSQL online and use it alongside MySQL in a limited way,
until I have time to learn it more fully and upgrade my database tables and
queries. Are there any major snags or pitfalls you can see in such an

I work night shift and am going to be overwhelmed during the holiday
season. I'm hoping to get a major website(s) upgrade published before
Thanksgiving. So I'm hoping to hire someone to help me get up to speed -
create one table the proper way, make a connection and query, then recreate
everything online.

Do you think there are people in the community who'd be willing to do
something like that for $100? I don't think it would take more than an hour.

I've found a Seattle PostgreSQL Users Group, but there's no contact
information, and they only meet once a month - at night. So I can't make
their meetings, unless I slip in for the first half hour or so.

Anyway, I just wondered what kind of resources are available for this sort
of thing.


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