2015-10-20 22:22 GMT+02:00 Dane Foster <studdu...@gmail.com>:

> Here is the updated version w/ the feedback incorporated. I'm going to
> install PostgreSQL 9.6 from source this weekend so I can start
> testing/debugging. Does anyone here have any experience using the pgAdmin
> debugger recently? I ask because it seems a little dated (September 26,
> 2008).
> Thanks,
> Dane
> /**
>  * Returns the status of a coupon or voucher.
>  * @param _code The discount code.
>  * @return NULL if the discount does not exist otherwise a composite type
> (see return
>  * type declaration below).
>  *
>  * Voucher codes have the following properties:
>  * type     - The type of discount (voucher, giftcert).
>  *
>  * status   - The status of the voucher. The valid values are:
>  *            void     - The voucher has been voided.
>  *
>  *            expired  - The voucher has expired.
>  *
>  *            inactive - The gift certificate has not been sent yet.
>  *
>  *            ok       - The voucher has been activated, has not expired,
> and has a
>  *                       current value greater than zero.
>  *
>  * date     - The expiration or activation or void date of the voucher in
> a reader
>  *            friendly format.
>  *
>  * datetime - The expiration or activation or void date of the gift
> certificate in
>  *            YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.
>  *
>  * value    - The current value of the voucher.
>  *
>  * The mandatory properties are type and status. The presence of the other
> properties
>  * are dependent on the value of status.
> ************************************************************************************
>  * Coupon codes can provide the following additional parameters that are
> used to
>  * determine if an order meets a coupon's minimum requirements.
>  * @param int seats The number of seats in the user's order.
>  * @param numeric subtotal The order's subtotal.
>  *
>  * Coupon codes have the following properties:
>  * type     - The type of discount (coupon).
>  *
>  * status   - The status of the coupon code. The valid values are:
>  *            void     - The coupon has been voided.
>  *
>  *            expired  - The coupon has expired.
>  *
>  *            inactive - The coupon has not been activated yet.
>  *
>  *            min      - The minimum seats or dollar amount requirement
> has not been
>  *                       met.
>  *
>  *            ok       - The coupon can be used.
>  *
>  * min      - The minimum seats or dollar amount requirement. The value of
> this
>  *            property is either an unsigned integer or dollar amount
> string w/ the
>  *            dollar sign.
>  *
>  * date     - The expiration or activation or void date of the coupon in a
> reader
>  *            friendly format.
>  *
>  * datetime - The expiration or activation or void date of the coupon in
>  *             HH:MM:SS format.
>  *
>  * value    - The current value of the coupon as a string. The value of
> this property
>  *            is either an unsigned integer w/ a percent symbol or dollar
> amount
>  *            string w/ the dollar sign.
>  */
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_discount_code(
>   _code public.CITXT70,
>   VARIADIC cpnxtra NUMERIC[]
> )
>   type     TEXT,
>   status   TEXT,
>   date     TEXT,
>   datetime TIMESTAMPTZ,
>   value    TEXT,
>   min      TEXT
> ) AS $$

it is wrong, you are return composite, not SETOF composites (table).

Use OUT parameters instead or declared custom type

CREATE TYPE foo_result_type AS (a int, b int, c int);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION foo(..) RETURNS foo_result_type AS $$ $$

>   discount RECORD;
>     ok,
>     created,
>     expires,
>     modified,
>     effective_date,
>     -- The minimum quantity or dollar amount required to use the coupon.
>       lower(qty_range),
>       '$' || to_char(lower(amount_range), '999999999999999D99')
>     )                                                           AS min,
>     CASE type::TEXT
>       WHEN 'voucher'
>       THEN
>         CASE WHEN gd.code IS NOT NULL THEN 'giftcert' END
>       ELSE
>         type::TEXT
>     END                                                         AS type,
>     to_char(expires, 'Dy, MM Mon. YYYY')                        AS expd,
>     to_char(modified, 'Dy, MM Mon. YYYY')                       AS mdate,
>     to_char(effective_date, 'Dy, MM Mon. YYYY')                 AS edate,
>     -- The gift certificates remaining value or the coupon's discount
> value as a
>     -- dollar amount or percent.
>       value,
>       discount_rate || '%',
>       '$' || to_char(discount_amount, '999999999999999D99')
>     )                                                           AS value,
>     -- Determines if the coupon has been used up.
>     CASE WHEN maxuse > 0 THEN maxuse - used <= 0 ELSE FALSE END AS maxuse,
>     effective_date > CURRENT_DATE                               AS notyet,
>     expires < CURRENT_DATE                                      AS expired,
>     cpn.code IS NULL                                            AS
> danglingcoupon,
>     v.code IS NULL                                              AS
> danglingvoucher
>   INTO STRICT discount
>   FROM
>     discount_codes        AS dc
>     LEFT JOIN coupons     AS cpn USING (code)
>     LEFT JOIN vouchers    AS v   USING (code)
>     LEFT JOIN giftcerts_d AS gd  USING (code)
>     dc.code = _code;
>     CASE discount.type
>       WHEN 'coupon'
>       THEN
>         -- This should NEVER happen!
>         IF discount.danglingcoupon
>         THEN
>           DELETE FROM discount_codes WHERE code = _code;
>           RAISE WARNING 'Removed dangling coupon code: %', _code;
>         ELSE
>           IF discount.maxuse OR NOT discount.ok
>           THEN
>               RETURN (discount.type, 'void');
>           END IF;
>           IF discount.expired
>           THEN
>             RETURN (discount.type, 'expired', discount.expd,
> discount.expires);
>           END IF;
>           IF discount.notyet
>           THEN
>             RETURN (
>               discount.type,
>               'inactive',
>               discount.edate,
>               discount.effective_date
>             );
>           END IF;
>           /**
>            * Coupon codes can provide up to two additional parameters that
> are used
>            * to determine if an order meets a coupon's minimum
> requirements.
>            *
>            * int seats (i.e., cpnxtra[0]) The number of seats in the
> user's order.
>            * numeric subtotal (i.e., cpnxtra[1]) The order's subtotal.
>            */
>           IF 2 = array_length(cpnxtra, 1)
>           THEN
>             IF discount.min IS NOT NULL
>             THEN
>               -- @TODO - Test the regex to ensure it is escaped properly.
>               IF discount.min ~ '^\$'
>               THEN
>                 IF right(discount.min, -1)::NUMERIC > cpnxtra[1]::NUMERIC
>                 THEN
>                   RETURN (
>                     discount.type,
>                     'min',
>                     discount.edate,
>                     discount.effective_date,
>                     discount.value,
>                     discount.min
>                   );
>                 END IF;
>               ELSIF discount.min::INT > cpnxtra[0]::INT
>               THEN
>                 RETURN (
>                   discount.type,
>                   'min',
>                   discount.edate,
>                   discount.effective_date,
>                   discount.value,
>                   discount.min
>                 );
>               END IF;
>               RETURN (
>                 'coupon',
>                 'ok',
>                 discount.edate,
>                 discount.effective_date,
>                 discount.value,
>                 discount.min
>               );
>             END IF;
>           END IF;
>           RETURN (
>             'coupon',
>             'ok',
>             discount.edate,
>             discount.effective_date,
>             discount.value
>           );
>         END IF;
>       ELSE
>         -- This should NEVER happen!
>         IF discount.danglingvoucher
>         THEN
>           DELETE FROM discount_codes WHERE code = _code;
>           RAISE WARNING 'Removed dangling voucher: %', _code;
>         ELSE
>           IF NOT discount.ok
>           THEN
>             RETURN (discount.type, 'void', discount.mdate,
> discount.modified);
>           END IF;
>           IF discount.expired
>           THEN
>             RETURN (discount.type, 'expired', discount.expd,
> discount.expires);
>           END IF;
>           IF discount.notyet
>           THEN
>             RETURN (
>               discount.type,
>               'inactive',
>               discount.edate,
>               discount.effective_date,
>               to_char(discount.value, '999999999999999D99')
>             );
>           END IF;
>           -- Please note that even though the gift certificate is valid we
> return
>           -- the expiration date information. This is because the data is
> shown to
>           -- the user to inform them of when their gift certificate
> expires.
>           IF discount.value > 0
>           THEN
>             RETURN (
>               discount.type,
>               'ok',
>               discount.expd,
>               discount.expires,
>               to_char(discount.value, '999999999999999D99')
>             );
>           END IF;
>           RETURN (discount.type, 'depleted');
>         END IF;
>     END CASE;
>   END IF;
> END;
> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT;
this function is pretty long, you can divide it - to two maybe three parts
- first - taking data, second - checking,

> Dane
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 1:45 PM, Dane Foster <studdu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Merlin Moncure <mmonc...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 9:45 AM, Dane Foster <studdu...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hello,
>>> >
>>> > I'm in the very very very very early stages of migrating a MySQL/PHP
>>> app to
>>> > PostgreSQL/PHP/Lua. Because we are moving to PostgreSQL one of the
>>> [many]
>>> > things I intend to change is to move ALL the SQL code/logic out of the
>>> > application layer and into the database where it belongs. So after
>>> months of
>>> > reading the [fine] PostgreSQL manual my first experiment is to port
>>> some
>>> > PHP/SQL code to a PostgreSQL function.
>>> >
>>> > At this stage the function is a purely academic exercise because like
>>> I said
>>> > before it's early days so no data has been migrated yet so I don't
>>> have data
>>> > to test it against. My reason for sharing at such an early stage is
>>> because
>>> > all I've done so far is read the [fine] manual and I'd like to know if
>>> I've
>>> > groked at least some of the material.
>>> >
>>> > I would appreciate any feedback you can provide. I am particularly
>>> > interested in learning about the most efficient way to do things in
>>> PL/pgSQL
>>> > because I would hate for the first iteration of the new version of the
>>> app
>>> > to be slower than the old version.
>>> >
>>> > Thank you for your consideration,
>>> This is beautiful code. It in fact is an for all intents and purposes
>>> an exact replica of my personal style.
>>> Some notes:
>>> *) I agree with Pavel; better to return specific columns if the result
>>> is well defined (mark them in the argument list with OUT and I tend to
>>> not prefix underscore them in that case).  The caller can always do a
>>> json production if necessary, or you can wrap the function.
>>> Some other minor suggestions:
>>> *) I tend to prefer format() to || concatenation in ALL usage these
>>> days.  It's more readable and tends to give better handling of NULL
>>> strings by default.
>>> *) this login should really be documented in line
>>>           IF 2 = array_length(cpnxtra, 1)
>>>           THEN
>>> *) I avoid all right justified code (spaced out AS x, AS y, etc).  I
>>> understand the perceived readability improvements but none of them are
>>> worth the cascading edits when variables get longer.
>>> *) let's compare notes on your doxygen style code markup. I've been
>>> trouble finding a good robust tool that does exactly what I want,
>>> curious if you did better.
>>> *) FYI, since you're obviously not using pgadmin, I use 'Sublime Text
>>> 3' for my code editor.  I've significantly enhanced it to support
>>> various postgresqlisms, so if you're maintaining code in a codebase,
>>> you have reasonable support for 'jump to definition' and things like
>>> that.
>>> merlin
>> ​
>> Thank you Pavel and Merlin for the feedback. I'm delighted that my first
>> PL/pgSQL function wasn't rubbish. I think the credit goes to the authors of
>> the [fine] PostgreSQL manual.
>> Pavel, I've taken your recommendation to heart but I'll need to do some
>> more reading on composite types because I didn't realize they were on
>> option in this context (i.e., the fields/columns aren't fixed).
>> Merlin:
>> I went w/ || on purpose because I want/need its NULL behavior. The
>> relationship between the columns with which || is used is a binary
>> (mutually exclusive) relationship. So they both can't be NULL nor NOT NULL.
>> I understand that right justification is an issue of personal taste. For
>> me SQL is such a verbose and dense language that I use the justification to
>> help break it up into visually manageable chunks. In traditional
>> programming languages we have curly braces and/or indentation to help us
>> visually organize and parse the code. I try to use justification to the
>> same effect. And since most code is read more frequently than it's written
>> I think a little realigning is a small price to pay.
>> I haven't investigated or encountered any doxygen processing tools. As a
>> matter of fact I wasn't even aware that the commenting style that I used
>> was called doxygen! Until recently I used to program in Java regularly
>> (since the Java 1.1 days) so I have a tendency to bring that style of
>> commenting w/ me to other languages. The version on display is a PHP'ified
>> variation of JavaDoc which thanks to you I just learned is called doxygen.
>> Like I said I'm an old Java hack and used to use IntelliJ/IDEA to sling
>> Java. But even though I rarely code in Java anymore I continue to use IDEA
>> for coding everything, except shell scripts. IDEA has support for "jump to
>> definition" and (more importantly) renames across files (i.e., refactoring).
>> Thanks again for the feedback it is truly appreciated.
>> Regards,
>> Dane
>> ​

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