On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 7:30 AM, Merlin Moncure <mmonc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 3:14 AM, Birta Levente <blevi.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have a supermicro SYS-1028R-MCTR, LSI3108 integrated with SuperCap module
>> - 2x300GB 10k spin drive, as raid 1 (OS)
>> - 2x300GB 15k spin drive, as raid 1 (for xlog)
>> - 2x200GB Intel DC S3710 SSD (for DB), as raid 1
>> So how is better for the SSDs: mdraid or controller's raid?
> I personally always prefer mdraid if given a choice, especially when
> you have a dedicated boot drive.  It's better in DR scenarios and for
> hardware migrations.  Personally I find dedicated RAID controllers to
> be baroque.  Flash SSDs (at least the good ones) are basically big
> RAID 0s with their own dedicated cache, supercap, and controller
> optimized to the underlying storage peculiarities.
>> What's the difference between Write Back and Always Write Back with supercap
>> module?
> No clue.  With spinning drives simple performance tests would make the
> caching behavior obvious but with SSD that's not always the case.  I'm
> guessing(!) 'Always Write Back' allows the controller to buffer writes
> beyond what the devices do.

We're running LSI MegaRAIDs at work with 10 SSD RAID-5 arrays, and we
can get ~5k to 7k tps on a -s 10000 pgbench with the write cache on.

When we turn the write cache off, we get 15k to 20k tps. This is on a
120GB pgbench db that fits in memory, so it's all writes.

Final answer: test it for yourself, you won't know until you do which is faster.

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