On 10/10/2015 11:43 AM, Steve Petrie, P.Eng. wrote:
(Thanks to Adrian Klaver & Rob Stone, for their responses to my earlier
posting, subject "[GENERAL] BEGIN, END & ROLLBACK commands -- do they
produce a SQLSTATE value?". I worked around the unavailability of
sqlstate '00000' after a successful SQL command, by creating proxy PHP
variables $sql_state_proxy and $sql_state_class_proxy.)
*Now I have a question about the value expected to be returned by
function pg_transaction_status(...) after a successful execution of a
postgres 'BEGIN;' command.*
After my PHP program executes an (apparently) successful 'BEGIN;'
command, it is expecting function pg_transaction_status(...) to return a
value == PGSQL_TRANSACTION_INTRANS (==2 -- idle, in a transaction block).
However, function pg_transaction_status(...) is instead returning
a value == PGSQL_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE ( ==1 -- command in progress on the
connection, a query has been sent via the connection and not yet completed).
*Question: What value should function pg_transaction_status(...)return
after a successful 'BEGIN;' command?*
* * *
* * *
Here is a list of diagnostic info displayed by the PHP program when it
detects that
    (pg_transaction_status(...) != PGSQL_TRANSACTION_INTRANS)

    $sql_conn<Resource id #15>
    *$sql_connection_status<0>* //
    PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK pg_connection_status($sql_conn);
    $sql_result<Resource id #16>
    *$sql_state<>* // pg_result_error_field($sql_result,
    *$sql_transaction_status<1>* //
    PGSQL_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE pg_transaction_status($sql_conn);
    *$sql_result_status_long<1>* // PGSQL_COMMAND_OK  pg_result_status
    ($sql_result, PGSQL_STATUS_LONG);
    *$sql_result_status_string<BEGIN>* // pg_result_status ($sql_result,
    *$sql_result_error<>* // pg_result_error ($sql_result);
    *$sql_last_error<>* // pg_last_error($sql_conn);

Here are the corresponding relevant postgres log lines (in file
<postgresql.conf>: log_line_prefix = 'ETO::%e::'):

    ETO::00000::LOG: 00000: database system was shut down at 2015-10-06
    06:10:39 EDT
    ETO::00000::LOCATION:  StartupXLOG,
    ETO::00000::LOG:  00000: connection received: host= port=1035
    ETO::00000::LOCATION: BackendInitialize,
    ETO::57P03::FATAL:  57P03: the database system is starting up
    ETO::57P03::LOCATION: ProcessStartupPacket,
    ETO::00000::LOG:  00000: database system is ready to accept connections
    ETO::00000::LOCATION: reaper, src\backend\postmaster\postmaster.c:2602
    ETO::00000::LOG: 00000: autovacuum launcher started
    ETO::00000::LOCATION: AutoVacLauncherMain,
    ETO::00000::LOG:  00000: connection received: host= port=1083
    ETO::00000::LOCATION:  BackendInitialize,
    ETO::00000::LOG:  00000: connection authorized: user=its-eto_pg36
    ETO::00000::LOCATION:  PerformAuthentication,
    ETO::00000::LOG:  00000: statement: set client_encoding to 'LATIN1'
    ETO::00000::LOCATION: exec_simple_query, src\backend\tcop\postgres.c:890
    ETO::00000::LOG: 00000: duration: 63.000 ms
    ETO::00000::LOCATION:  exec_simple_query,
    *ETO::00000::LOG:  00000: statement: BEGIN;
    ETO::00000::LOCATION:  exec_simple_query,
    ETO::00000::LOG:  00000: duration: 0.000 ms
    ETO::00000::LOCATION:  exec_simple_query,
    *ETO::00000::LOG:  00000: disconnection: session time: 0:00:00.297
    user=its-eto_pg36 database=eto_sql_db host= port=1083
    ETO::00000::LOCATION:  log_disconnections,

* * *
* * *
Thanks For Any Feedback,

So what is the actual PHP code that is being run?


Adrian Klaver

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