
I'm getting the following error when restoring my database from a dump file in 
postgresql 9.4

psql:tmp/mydb.out:159861: ERREUR:  n'a pas pu lire le bloc 0 du fichier « 
base/28903/29447 » : a lu seulement 0 octets
sur 8192
CONTEXTE : fonction SQL « dossier_contrat » lors du lancement

In English : ERROR: could not read block 0 from file « base/28903/29447 » : 0 
bytes read out of 8192

"dossier_contrat" is a simple sql function (definition below) used in an index, 
whose creation always fails when restoring from a dump file (on different 

I can create the index in psql with :

CREATE INDEX tbldossier_id_contrat_idx ON tbldossier USING btree 

but subsequent dumps/restores will always fail on it (only in 9.4, it works 
fine in 9.1).

What should I be looking for to find the cause of the error?

Function definition:

\sf+ dossier_contrat
        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.dossier_contrat(integer)
         RETURNS integer
         LANGUAGE sql
1       AS $function$
2       -- renvoie l'id du contrat couvrant un dossier statutaire
3          SELECT t1.id_contrat
4          FROM tblcontrat t1 INNER JOIN ( tblagent t2 INNER JOIN tbldossier t3 
using (id_agent) ) ON t1.id_collectivite = t2.id_collectivite AND 
t1.id_caisse_retraite = substring(t2.id_affiliation FROM 6 FOR 3)
5          WHERE t3.date_origine BETWEEN t1.date_debut_garantie AND 
t1.date_fin_garantie AND t3.id_dossier = $1
6       $function$

                                        Bien à vous, Vincent Veyron 

Legal case, contract and insurance claim management software

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