Hi Tom,

Michael Zoet <michael.z...@zoet.de> writes:
Is there a way to convince Postgres to write the date/time with
numerical time zone values to the log files?

Try something like

log_timezone = '<-0400>+4'

OK this points me in a directions I haven't read anything about in the Postgres documentation so far.

Can you explain what '<-0400>+4' exactly means? And why the string '<+0200>-2' prints the date & time with the correct time and +0200 for my time zone CEST?

And how can this automatically be changed if Germany switches from summer time (CEST with +0200) to winter time (CET +0100)?

See the discussion of POSIX timezone names here:

I have read this several times today but really get no connections to my problem on setting this for the date/time output on the log files. But I am beginning to understand ;-).


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