> I don't think that it is possible to stream the result of a query anyway,

I was unclear. I don't expect query results to stream out to the client.
I want the "SELECT md5(OID);" to return a single md5 hash value. It is
already possible to "SELECT md5(lo_read(OID));" but that will read the
entire large object into memory. I would like the function md5(oid) to
_internally_ feed consecutive calls to lo_read() into an updating md5
function and eventually return the final hash.

> I'm not sure if there is much to be gained from storing such large
> objects in a database.

ACID. Permissions. Single access method.

> Also, the max size of a value is 1GB.

The maximum size is 4 Terabyte ATM for large objects.

Karsten Hilbert

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