Tom Lane <> writes:

> "Joshua D. Drake" <> writes:
>> On 09/17/2015 10:32 AM, Quiroga, Damian wrote:
>>> Is it possible to prevent users from running the “version” function or
>>> all system information functions? If so, how?
>> You could probably revoke access to the function(s) (I haven't tried it 
>> because it seems very silly).
> I believe revoking public execute access would work, but I concur that
> this specific request seems entirely pointless.  Anyone with SQL-level
> access to the server, and a copy of the release notes, can soon determine
> what version they are talking to by testing for the presence or absence of
> assorted features and bugs.
> Keep in mind also that pg_dump or pg_upgrade would not preserve such
> alterations to system functions.

And let's not forget...

show server_version or server_version_num;

Oh, and interactive psql without -q prints server version in the banner :-)
>                       regards, tom lane

Jerry Sievers
Postgres DBA/Development Consulting
p: 312.241.7800

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