I will be in Pittsburgh full-time starting the middle of Oct, and I
would be interested in helping coordinate a UG. I have a feeling that
I could convince a number of people I've worked with to get involved
as well.

On Tue, 8 Sep 2015 11:10:34 -0400
James Keener <j...@jimkeener.com> wrote:

> Is there a user group in Pittsburgh?  This email was the first that
> showed up in a Google Search.
> Jim
> On 2004-05-02 05:43:26, Tom Lane wrote:
> > I've gotten a couple of inquiries lately about a Postgres users' group
> > in my home town of Pittsburgh PA.  There is not one (unless it's very
> > well camouflaged) but perhaps there is critical mass to create one.
> > If you think you might come to meetings of such a group, let me know
> > off-list.  If I get enough responses I'll set up an initial meeting
> > and we'll see where it goes ...
> > 
> >                     regards, tom lane

Bill Moran

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