I use the tablespaces without problem but the backup online not
complete... but when I attempt to online backup using the pg_basebackup
displays the error message saying q pg_tblspc is not clean and the process
is terminated without sucess

Em quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2015, Michael Paquier <
michael.paqu...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Gerdan Rezende dos Santos
> <ger...@gmail.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > 6 - create table spaces:
> > CREATE TABLESPACE newtblspc LOCATION '/data/newtblspc';
> > CREATE TABLESPACE newtblspc2 LOCATION '/data/pg_tblspc/newtblspc2'
> > 7 - mkdir /data2
> > 8 - Now perform a backup using pg_basebackup -D /data2 and get the error
> > message.
> You are performing a base backup on a node that has tablespaces on the
> same hosts, so tablespaces are going to overlap. Isn't that your
> problem? Note that 9.4 you can use tablespace-mapping to address the
> problem, for older versions you are going to need some manual
> operations before being able to run the standby and the master on the
> same server.
> --
> Michael

*Gerdan Rezende dos Santos *
*Po*stgreSQL & EnterpriseDB Specialist, Support, Training & Services
+55 (61) 9645-1525

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