Hi 4 all!! As Ido not know if it is my mistake or actually a bug, sending the two topics.
When trying to perform online backup using the pg_basebackup tool, I get the message: The folder is not empty. steps to reproduce the error: 1 - install postgres in the / usr / local / pgsql 2 - initialize the database: / usr / local / pgsql / bin / -D /data 3 - set up pg_hba.conf to allow replication (used by online backup with pg_basebackup) 4 - create the directories /data/newtblspc and /data/pg_tblspc/newtblspc2 5 - start with postgres -D /data 6 - create table spaces: CREATE TABLESPACE newtblspc LOCATION '/data/newtblspc'; CREATE TABLESPACE newtblspc2 LOCATION '/data/pg_tblspc/newtblspc2' 7 - mkdir /data2 8 - Now perform a backup using pg_basebackup -D /data2 and get the error message. -- T.'.A.'.F.'., *Gerdan Rezende dos Santos * *Po*stgreSQL & EnterpriseDB Specialist, Support, Training & Services +55 (61) 9645-1525