I have a json for country

Table column: countryJson

Sample Json :  [   { name:india,
       population: 1000M,
       type: country,
       children: [
                    name: karnataga,
                    population: 30M,
                    children: [   {
                                            name: bangalore,
                                            population: 10M,
                                            type:district   },
                                            name: mysore,
                                            population: 2M,


I need to index country name, state name and district name.  I need to find 
districts with population greater than 5M. How to query districts with 
statename = karnataga and country name = india?

i.e select countryJson[ name =''india"].children[name="karnataga"].children 
[population] > 5m?

Is it supported in postgresql? i.e better examples on array value indexes and 
array value criteria would help me to use easily use json.


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