On 08/28/2015 06:35 AM, Anderson Abreu wrote:
Hi all,

I usePostgreSQL9.4

I'm looking for somepackage/library/plugintoexecute DDLacross multiple
serversin an automated manner.

This covers a lot of ground. Could you be more specific:

1) Do you have a preferred programmng/scripting language?

2) Are you trying to schema versioning or are you rolling out complete packages?

3) What Oses are you dealing with and what method of remote connection?

4) Are the servers all the same version of Postgres(or are they even all Postgres servers), so do you have to take into account version differences?

Can do thiswithshellscript.

I would like to knowifthis is the only way?

No, that is the problem:)

Thanks & Regards


Anderson Abreu
andersonab...@gmail.com <mailto:andersonab...@gmail.com>

"Thejudokaiswhathas:humilitytolearnwhatyouteach,patienceto teachwhat
theylearnedtotheir fellow manandfaithtobelieve in whatyou don't
understand.Learna little more every dayanduse it every dayfor the
good"(Jigoro Kano)

Adrian Klaver

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