Howdy All,

For a very long time I've held the belief that splitting PGDATA and xlog on 
linux systems fairly universally gives a decent performance benefit for many 
common workloads.
(i've seen up to 20% personally).

I was under the impression that this had to do with regular fsync()'s from the 
interfearing with and over-reaching writing out the filesystem buffers. 

Basically, I think i was conflating fsync() with sync(). 

So if it's not that, then that just leaves bandwith (ignoring all of the other 
best practice reasons for reliablity, etc.). So, in theory if you're not 
swamping your disk I/O then you won't really benefit from relocating your XLOGs.

However, I know from experience that's not entirely true, (although it's not 
always easy to measure all aspects of your I/O bandwith).

Am I missing something?


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