Melvin Davidson schrieb am 22.08.2015 um 17:15:
> I've attached a file with a few starters that although are numbered,
> are in no special order.

> 2. End ALL queries with a semi-colon (;)
>    EG: SELECT some_column FROM a_table;
>    Although autocommit is on by default, it is always a good idea to signal 
> the query processor that a statement is complete with the semicolon. 
>    Failure to do so could result in <IDLE IN TRANSACTION>, which will 
>    hold locks on the tables involved and prevent other queries from being 
> processed.

Terminating a statement with ; has nothing to do with "<idle in transaction>" 
It is a mere syntax thing to make the SQL client (e.g. psql) recognize the end 
of the statement. 
If you don't use it, your statement won't be executed in the first place - at 
least with psql 
as it will wait indefinitely until you finish typing the statement. A GUI 
client might simply send
the wrong statement to the backend. 
If you run with autocommit disabled, ending each statement with a semicolon, 
will not prevent your connection 
from getting into that "<idle in transaction>" state. You have to end the 
_transaction_ using commit or 
rollback to avoid that. 

I do agree with the "end all queries with a semi-colon" rule, but the 
explanation is wrong.

You should have another rule that says:

   End all transactions as soon as possible using commit or rollback.


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