Melvin Davidson <> writes:
>> Best Practice would rather be something along the lines:
>>>> Avoid coding in a way that triggers "WARNING:
>>>> nonstandard use of escape in a string literal". If you
>>>> cannot comply with this rule document your reasons.

> Thanks for the suggestion. For the past few months I've been dealing with
> an error log that is filled with these warnings simply because
> the developers do not comprehend how to use ( or the requirement to use)
> an escape clause.

IMO best practice in this area is "run with standard_conforming_strings = ON".
If you're seeing this warning at all, it's because you aren't doing that,
which means your code is unnecessarily unportable to other DBMSes.
Adopting a coding policy of always using E'' would make that worse.

                        regards, tom lane

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