> I have considered opening a single connection to the server and letting all 
> threads execute statements through it, and use prepared statements (serviced 
> by postgresql, not JDBC or DBCP).  Or simply opening 50 connections and 
> establishing prepared statements and then handing them off to the threads.  
> Is there a reason I shouldn't do this?  I read that the JDBC driver for 
> postgres is thread safe.

Connection pooling reduces the overhead for creating a new connection, and 
allows Postgres to reuse execution plans for prepared statements. Both things 
will gain you a few milliseconds per query. For a small or medium sized project 
that is entirely irrelevant.

It is far more important to have stable and easy to understand code. To gain 
that, keep each connection open for as short a time as you can. Run a single 
query and then close it.

When the time comes where the few milliseconds matter, it is easy to add 
connection pooling without changing a single line of code. Postgres offers 
pgbouncer and pgpool for that job, but if DBCP can do it, that’s fine too.

Kind regards,

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