Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 08/07/2015 07:20 AM, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> >Leo Baltus wrote:
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>While backing up some postgresql-8.4.2 instances using
> >>pg_start_backup()/pg_stop_backup()
> >
> >8.4.2 was released in 2009, so you're missing all the bugfixes till July
> >2014 which is when the 8.4 branch was dropped out of support -- which
> >means you're also missing bugfixes from that point onwards.  I think you
> >need to jump to 8.4.22 (the last one in that release) because this might
> >be a fixed bug; and you should consider moving to one of the supported
> >branches very soon, at least 9.0 but that one's going to lose support
> >soon too so I may suggest something even newer.
> That being said, I thought:
> file has vanished: "............./data/pg_subtrans/3A37"
> would not be a bug but normal behavior.

Well, it's true that pg_subtrans files vanish during regular running.
WAL replay of the resulting backup *should* work fine regardless, and
this is just rsync being paranoid, but I'm not sure that it *actually*

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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