On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, David G. Johnston wrote:

Conditions <- (Permit + Location + Parameter + Frequency + Temporal (from,
Monitoring <- (Condition + Event)

While you may require additional modelling tables to support your user
interface (i.e., picking valid combinations of PeLoPa when creating a new
condition) the fundamental concept is that each permit+location+parameter
combination needs to be monitored during a given period (temporal) at a
given frequency in that period.  Every time that combination generates a
number you combine the "Condition" with the event (data + time) and add the
result to the monitoring table.

Active combinations of permits, locations, and parameters can be directly
derived from the conditions table.  The temporal fields facilitate history


  This is what I was working to achieve, but did not have the details
straight. I'll ponder this and make sure I set the proper FKs on the
appropriate tables.



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