2015-07-14 11:59 GMT+02:00 Shujie Shang <ssh...@pivotal.io>:

> Does PG has its own data cache? I don't think so.

PG has own data cache - see shared_buffers



> I think PG just using the filesystem cache.
> On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 2:06 AM, Andy Colson <a...@squeakycode.net> wrote:
>> On 7/9/2015 12:41 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>>> Andy Colson <a...@squeakycode.net> writes:
>>>> My question is:  Will PG cache only the index (assuming it can always do
>>>> an Index Only Scan), or will it cache the table as well?
>>> The table blocks would fall out of cache if they're never touched.
>>>                         regards, tom lane
>> Sweet!  Thanks Tom.
>> --
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