I have a table something like this: CREATE TABLE devices ( owner_id BIGINT NOT NULL, utc_offset_secs INT, PRIMARY KEY (uid, platform), FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE );
I want to do a query from an application that returns all devices who's time is between 10am or 10pm for a given instant in time. For example: SELECT * FROM devices WHERE :utcSecondsOfDay + utc_offset_secs BETWEEEN 10am AND 10pm In the above query assume the correct "seconds of day" values for 10am and 10pm. The problem is that I have to do addition on each record to do the above query and I can't imagine that would be efficient. Also I think it this example query will only work in some cases. For example what if the utcSecondsOfDay is 360 (i.e. 1am) and the utc_offset_secs is -5 hours? Thanks