On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Andy Erskine <andy.ersk...@jds.net.au> wrote:
> I'd like to turn off the streaming on my postgresdb (9.2) It is currently
> setup to stream from master to a single secondary.
> I want to shutdown the secondary and turn it into another master and connect
> it to another application for testing - after which i want to revert it back
> to a streaming secondary.

What kind of tests? If this is read-only activity you could simply cut
the network connection between the master and the slave, or restart
the slave after updating recovery.conf such as it is still a standby
but has no primary_conninfo so as it is performing archive recovery,
or at least a fake one.

> Is this possible while not touching the Master DB ? If so what are the
> correct steps pls ?

Well, yes. It depends on what you want to do then. If this testing
really requires to promote the standby then you will need to take a
new fresh base backup knowing that you are using 9.2.

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