On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 8:38 AM, Dave Johansen <davejohan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 10:15 AM, Dave Johansen <davejohan...@gmail.com> > For the sake of documentation, here's the function that I used to > accomplish this: > CREATE FUNCTION insert_test_no_dup(tutc_ TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE, id_ > INTEGER, value_ INTEGER) RETURNS VOID AS > $$ > BEGIN > BEGIN > INSERT INTO test(tutc, id, value) VALUES (tutc_, id_, value_); > RETURN; > EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN > -- do nothing because the record already exists > END; > END; > $$ > LANGUAGE plpgsql; > It appears that calling "SELECT insert_test_no_dup('2015-01-01', 1, 1)" cause the XID to increment? I'm not sure if it's only when the exception happens or all the time, but if there some way to prevent the increment of XID because it's causing problems with our system: http://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAAcYxUer3MA=enxvnowe0osaa8comvxcf6orhp-vuppr56t...@mail.gmail.com Thanks, Dave