On Thursday, June 18, 2015, Sven Geggus <li...@fuchsschwanzdomain.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> I supose this is simple, but I did not find a solution in the
> documentation.
> I would like to be able to do something like this:
> select myfunc('foo','bar');
> or
> select myfunc(foo, bar) from foobartable;
> or even
> select myfunc(foo, bar), 'baz' as baz from foobartable;
> Which should return something like this:
>  foo  | bar
> ------+------
>  foo1 | bar1
>  foo2 | bar2
>  foo3 | bar3
>  foo4 | bar4
> (4 rows)
> So the output should be at least two columns and (usually) more than one
> row.
> What I currently have is the following, which is mostly it.  Unfortunately
> it gives me only one column (I really need two) and I would have to create
> a
> custom type:
> CREATE TYPE t_foobar AS (foo text, bar text);
> CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION myfunc(foo text, bar text)
> returns SETOF t_foobar as $$
>   FOR i IN 1..4 LOOP
>     RETURN NEXT (foo || i::text, bar || i::text);
> END;
> $$ language 'plpgsql';
> mydb=> select myfunc('foo','bar');
>    myfunc
> -------------
>  (foo1,bar1)
>  (foo2,bar2)
>  (foo3,bar3)
>  (foo4,bar4)
> (4 rows)

Look at the "returns table (col1 type, col2 type)" form.

David J.

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