On 06/01/2015 09:09 AM, Rémi Cura wrote:
Hey, thanks to help me with that.
I started fresh to have a truly reproducible process,
so you can have all information and rule out some error possibilities.
- Uninstall all python.
- Check that PythonPath doesn't exist anymore
- check that python doesn't exist anymore
- install python 3.2.5 64 bit from official python website into C/Python32
- Reload configuration for server.
- create plpython3u , create a python function, test it (show path)
* It works, python path is
'C:\\Windows\\system32\\python32.zip', 'C:\\Python32\\Lib',
'C:\\Python32\\DLLs', 'E:\\9.3\\data', 'C:\\Program
Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.3\\bin', 'C:\\Python32',
- Donwload latest numpy from website.
- ON antoher PC
So what is the Python setup on this machine?
* Compile numpy with visual 2008 , 64 bit
* Create an binary installer for windows (using python.exe setup.py
)with proper argument
The argument would be?
- On the server :
- install numpy with the compiled installer.
Best guess is that the numpy compilation you are doing on Machine A is
not compatible with what you have installed on Machine B(the server).
Have you looked at this:
- check that numpy is correctly installer in C:\Python32\Lib\site-packages
- using an external terminal, check that numpy works (import numpy -> OK)
- Now, define a plpython3u function containing "import numpy"
- Run the function --> error is
"ERREUR: ImportError: DLL load failed: Le module spécifié est
which roughly translate to
"ERROR: ImportError : DLL load failed : the specified module couldn't
be found".
- Create a plpython3u function returning sys.path
the path is "C:\\Windows\\system32\\python32.zip', 'C:\\Python32\\Lib',
'C:\\Python32\\DLLs', 'E:\\9.3\\data', 'C:\\Program
Files\\PostgreSQL\\9.3\\bin', 'C:\\Python32',
numpy is in this path, in C:\\Python32\\lib\\site-packages
All user of the computer have all rights on the
C:\\Python32\\lib\\site-packages folder
- execute `import imp; imp.find_package('numpy')` within the
plpython3u function
-> returns "None, 'C:\\Python32\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy', ('',
'', 5)"
- create a helloworld module , put it next to numpy, try to call it
-> it gets called
I really don't see what I can do more.
Adrian Klaver
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