On 5/29/2015 10:41 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
On 5/29/2015 9:32 AM, Arup Rakshit wrote:
Can I do the below 3 queries in a single query  ?

select * from table where number * 3 between start_value1 and end_value2; select * from table where number * 3 between start_value2 and end_value2; select * from table where number * 3 between start_value3 and end_value3;

select * from table where (number * 3 between start_value1 and end_value2) OR
            (number * 3  between start_value2 and end_value2) OR
            (number * 3  between start_value3 and end_value3);

oh, do note, this won't be /exactly/ the same if the ranges overlap. your first would return the overlapping rows for each query, while the OR version will just return one of each row that is in any of the ranges.

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz

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