Hi Daniel.

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 4:42 PM, Daniel Begin <jfd...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Just to make sure I understand properly...
> When I installed Postgresql, I set $PGDATA to point on my old drive and I
> must now move everything on the new one.
> In order to move everything on the new drive I must create a tablespace on
> the new drive and then explicitly define this tablespace as the new location
> of...
> -  the postgres database
> -  my personal database
> - pg_default
> - pg_global
> Anything I missed or put in the wrong sequence?

I do not think it is that easy. You can move nearly everything, but it
will be slow an you are not going to get rid of the old disk.

One question, ¿ How big/critical is your database ? because all your
problems can be solved with a dump/initdb/restore easily, and if you
can leave it doing overnight it is th easier way. Also, I've moved
directories across disks before, and it has worked, but I use linux
which is much simpler, and just did an stop / cp / change pgdata /
restart, I suppose windows must have comparable ways.

Francisco Olarte.

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