Dear Concner,

Could you help us solving  the below error which we are getting during taking 

pg_dump: SQL command failed
pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR:  invalid page header in block 
14521215 of relation pg_tblspc/18140340/PG_9.1_201105231/18140346/18140757
pg_dump: The command was: COPY evidence.partline (feature_id, version, 
base_type_id, domain_class_id, domain_subclass_id, status_id, deleted, 
modification_time, has_children, is_evidence, data_immediate, data_lazy, 
parent_line_id, start_point_id, end_point_id, start_offset, end_offset, 
geometry) TO stdout;

Sachin Srivastava



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