Em 2015-05-05 14:31, Adrian Klaver escreveu:
> On 05/05/2015 08:35 AM, Edson F. Lidorio wrote: > On 05-05-2015 11:22, Melvin Davidson wrote: It's possible you have > wal_keep_segments set too low. What happens is that the master will keep the > wals ( in your case 20) after processing them, before sending them off to the > great black hole in the network (deleting) and making them unavailable to the > standby. Try increasing wal_keep_segments = 100. > Increased thewal_keep_segments=100andkeeps popping upthe same message: The message did not come through. Also increasing wal_keep_segments only works for the future, it will not deal with a WAL file that has already been recycled before the setting was changed. > A question thatI have! astheslave servercan seethis folderin themaster? > /mnt/server/archivedir/ So have you tried logging into the standby and then accessing the directory on the master manually. In other words copy a file from the master to standby using cp from the standby command line. > Sorrymy doubtsI'mbasicbeginner! -- Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@aklaver.com OK, I'm going to do this test too. -- Edson F. Lidorio Atenção: Este e-mail pode conter anexos no formato ODF (Open Document Format)/ABNT (extensões odt, ods, odp, odb, odg). Antes de pedir os anexos em outro formato, você pode instalar gratuita e livremente o LibreOffice ( http://pt-br.libreoffice.org/).