On 05/04/2015 02:02 AM, sanjeetkamble wrote:


        Please let me know how The database server is started with 
max_connections =
        10000 ???

        I have same issue, but i have a SAN storage where Postgresql  is 


On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 10:08 AM, Andy Colson <a...@squeakycode.net 
<mailto:a...@squeakycode.net>> wrote:

    No doubt that would be a problem.  Its bad idea.  set max_connections to 
core count * 2, then put pg_pool in front, and set pg_pools max count to 10000.


On 05/04/2015 09:22 AM, Melvin Davidson wrote:

I suggest pg_bouncer as opposed to pg_pool. My testing showed it handled 
connections better. Ultimately the choice is yours, but with 10000 connections, 
you absolutely need a connection manger.

Oops.  I meant pg_bouncer too.  (I haven't had caffeine yet).


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