On 5/1/15, 11:10 AM, "Murphy, Kevin" 
<murph...@email.chop.edu<mailto:murph...@email.chop.edu>> wrote:
Here's a variation on the theme of 
In a 9.3.4 database I don't own, I am able to create schemas, so I do, and I 
create various tables within a schema.  However, I am unable to use pg_dump 
(9.3.6) to dump the structure of my tables:

Aha.  When I add `-schema=myschema`, there is no problem.   It still seems 
interesting that the error is produced in the previous case even though I own 


$ pg_dump --schema-only -h aserver adb

pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query failed: ERROR:  permission denied for relation 
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query was: SELECT sequence_name, start_value, 
increment_by, CASE WHEN increment_by > 0 AND max_value = 9223372036854775807 
WHEN increment_by < 0 AND max_value = -1 THEN NULL      ELSE max_value END AS 
max_value, CASE WHEN increment_by > 0 AND min_value = 1 THEN NULL
WHEN increment_by < 0 AND min_value = -9223372036854775807 THEN NULL
ELSE min_value END AS min_value, cache_value, is_cycled FROM 

But in psql, \dt and \ds show that I own all my tables and sequences, and of 
course I can run the SELECT statement above with no problem, as in the 
referenced thread.

I am reporting this just to provide another data point on this behavior.

Kevin Murphy

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