On 04/23/15 13:07, Job wrote:
Dear Postgresql mailing list,

we use Postgresql 8.4.x on our Linux firewall distribution.
Actually, we are moving from standard SATA disk to mSATA SSD solid
drive, and we noticed that the DB, using lots of indexes, is writing a lot.

In some monthes, two test machine got SSD broken, and we are
studyinghow to reduce write impact for DB.

Are there some suggestions with SSD drives?

There are ways to make the writes less frequent, both at the database and OS level. We don't know what's your PostgreSQL config, but making the checkpoints less frequent and tuning the kernel/mount options may help a lot.

Putting the DB into RAM and backing up periodically to disk is a

Well, that depends on your requirements. You may lose the changes since the last backup.

Or, is storing indexes on a ram drive possible?

No, not really.

Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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