Hello list,

I am creating a plpgsql procedure in Postgres 9.4 (also testing in 9.3.6)
to move all of the tables that are not in a default tablespace (pg_default,
pg_global, or 0) into the tablespace pg_default. However when it executes I
get an error 'ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type oid:' which I do not
know how to resolve..

The procedure executes the following select query, which returns the *relname
type *name*) and *nspname
name, type *name*) of each table that are not in the default tablespaces,
into a variable called *row_data* (of type pg_catalog.pg_class%ROWTYPE):

   SELECT pg_class.relname, pg_namespace.nspname
   FROM pg_class INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON
   WHERE pg_class.reltablespace<>(SELECT oid FROM pg_tablespace WHERE
   AND pg_class.reltablespace<>(SELECT oid FROM pg_tablespace WHERE
   AND pg_class.reltablespace<>0
   AND pg_class.relkind='r'
   ORDER BY pg_class.relname;

Using the example database EDBSTORE (example database provided by
Enterprise DB) the query returned the table 'inventory' which was in schema
'edbstore' (which I had stored on tablespace 'edbstore', not pg_default):
  relname  | nspname
 inventory | edbstore
(1 row)

The procedure loops through each returned row and executes an ALTER TABLE
command to move them to the tablespace pg_default:
EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE '|| row_data.nspname || '.' || row_data.relname ||'
SET TABLESPACE pg_default';

(so in the above edbstore example it should execute "ALTER TABLE
edbstore.inventory SET TABLESPACE pg_default;")

However, when I run the procedure it is returning the following error:
   ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type oid: "edbstore"
   CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function move_table_tablespaces_to_pg_default() line
18 at FOR over SELECT rows

Does anyone understand this error?

The full plpgsql function is as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION move_table_tablespaces_to_pg_default () RETURNS INTEGER AS
-- Loops through the tables not in the tablespace pg_default, pg_global, or
the default tablespace and moves them to the pg_default tablespace
-- Returns the number of tables that were moved


      -- Declare a variable to hold the counter of tables moved
      objects_affected INTEGER = 0;

      -- Declare a variable to hold rows from the pg_class table
      row_data pg_catalog.pg_class%ROWTYPE;


      -- Iterate through the results of a query which lists all of the
tables not in the tablespace pg_default, pg_global, or the default
      FOR row_data IN (SELECT pg_class.relname, pg_namespace.nspname FROM
pg_class INNER JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace=pg_namespace.oid

WHERE pg_class.reltablespace<>(SELECT oid FROM pg_tablespace WHERE
spcname='pg_default') AND pg_class.reltablespace<>(SELECT oid FROM
pg_tablespace WHERE

spcname='pg_global') AND pg_class.reltablespace<>0 AND pg_class.relkind='r'
ORDER BY pg_class.relname)  LOOP

         -- execute ALTER TABLE statement on that table to move it to
tablespace pg_default
         EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE '|| row_data.nspname || '.' ||
row_data.relname ||' SET TABLESPACE pg_default';

         -- increment count of tables moved
         objects_affected := objects_affected + 1;
      END LOOP;

      -- Return count of tables moved
      -- RETURN objects_affected;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';


*Will J Dunn*
*willjdunn.com <http://willjdunn.com>*

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