On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 4:49 AM, Andreas Joseph Krogh
<andr...@visena.com> wrote:
> In other words: Does vacuumlo cause diskspace used by pg_largeobject to be 
> freed to the OS (after eventually vacuumed by autovacuum)?


But that shouldn't matter in your scenario: if you create more large
objects than you delete, you aren't wasting space anyway.

A longer-term problem that may apply in your scenario: pg_largeobject
can't grow beyond your tablespace's disk size. Unlike other tables,
it's very hard to move pg_largeobject to a new database/tablespace
without downtime. If your table is constantly growing and you're
worrying about how much space it's taking, other storage strategies
(bytea, S3, NFS, etc) might inspire more confidence. I had this
problem a few months ago; since then, I only use pg_largeobject in
prototyping and low-growth situations.

Enjoy life,

Adam Hooper

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