On 04/12/2015 07:47 AM, Ilya Ashchepkov wrote:

I'm setting up hot standby slave.
It recovers from wal archive files, but I can't connect to it:
$ psql
psql: FATAL:  the database system is starting up

On master:
# select name,setting from pg_settings where name like 'wal_level';
    name    |   setting
  wal_level | hot_standby

My slave recovery.conf:
$ cat recovery.conf
# Note that recovery.conf must be in $PGDATA directory.
# It should NOT be located in the same directory as postgresql.conf

# Specifies whether to start the server as a standby. In streaming replication,
# this parameter must to be set to on.
standby_mode          = 'on'

# Specifies a connection string which is used for the standby server to connect
# with the primary.
primary_conninfo      = 'host= port=5432 user=replication 

# Specifies a trigger file whose presence should cause streaming replication to
# end (i.e., failover).
trigger_file = '/media/psqlbak/101/main/standup'

# Specifies a command to load archive segments from the WAL archive. If
# wal_keep_segments is a high enough number to retain the WAL segments
# required for the standby server, this may not be necessary. But
# a large workload can cause segments to be recycled before the standby
# is fully synchronized, requiring you to start again from a new base backup.
restore_command = '/usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_standby -t 
/tmp/pgsql.trigger.5432 /media/psqlbak/101/wals/main/ %f %p %r'

I tried to comment 'restore_command' in recovery.conf on slave, then slave 
to master and starts receiving data, but I think it's not very good way.
What should I change to receive data through connection and reach consistent
state on slave?

What have you set for hot_standby on the standby server?:


Adrian Klaver

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