On Fri, 3 Apr 2015 15:35:14 +0100
Filipe Pina <filipe.p...@impactzero.pt> wrote:

> Hello,
> I come from a GTM background and once of the transactional features there are 
> the ?Transaction Restarts?.
> Transaction restart is when we have two concurrent processes reading/writing 
> to the same region/table of the database, the last process to commit will 
> ?see? that the database is not the same as it was when the transaction 
> started and goes back to the beginning of the transactional code and 
> re-executes it.
> The closest I found to this in PGSQL is the Serializable transaction 
> isolation mode and it does seem to work well except it simply throws an error 
> (serialization_failure) instead of restarting.
> I?m trying to make use of this exception to implement restartable functions 
> and I have all the examples and conditions mentioned here in a question in SO 
> (without any answer so far?):
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29372202/postgresql-generic-handler-for-serialization-failure
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29372202/postgresql-generic-handler-for-serialization-failure>
> So basically I have two questions:
> - the restartable ?wrapper? function never gets its ?DB view? refreshed once 
> it restarts, I assume it?s because of the outter transaction (at function 
> level) so it never re-reads the new values and keeps failing with 
> serialization_failure.. Any way to solve this?
> - the ideal would be to be able to define this at database level so I 
> wouldn?t have to implement wrappers for all functions.. Implementing a 
> ?serialization_failure? generic handler that would simply re-call the 
> function that threw that exception (up to a number of tries). Is this 
> possible without going into pgsql source code?

I suspect that savepoints will accomplish what you want:

Bill Moran

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