I'm trying to test BDR 0.9.0 with Postgres 9.4.1-2, both from the 2nd Quadrant 
repo.  I'm following the latest docs here:

I started with fresh installations of Postgres and the BDR plugin and have done 
something similar to what is shown in the Quick Start guide, the difference 
being that I'm actually using two separate machines.  When I get to the point 
of adding the first node, using bdr.bdr_group_create, I get an error - ERROR:  
schema "bdr" does not exist.  Here is more info on the error:
postgres=# SELECT bdr.bdr_group_create(
postgres(#       local_node_name := 'cxtlabdev014',
postgres(#       node_external_dsn := 'port=5432 dbname=prod'
postgres(# );
ERROR:  getting remote node id failed
DETAIL:  SELECT sysid, timeline, dboid FROM bdr.bdr_get_local_nodeid() failed 
with: ERROR:  schema "bdr" does not exist

CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT *                           FROM 
PL/pgSQL function internal_begin_join(text,text,text,text) line 41 at SQL 
SQL statement "SELECT bdr.internal_begin_join(
        CASE WHEN node_local_dsn IS NULL THEN node_external_dsn ELSE 
node_local_dsn END,
PL/pgSQL function bdr_group_join(text,text,text,text,integer,text[]) line 21 at 
SQL statement "SELECT bdr.bdr_group_join(
        local_node_name := local_node_name,
        node_external_dsn := node_external_dsn,
        join_using_dsn := null,
        node_local_dsn := node_local_dsn,
        apply_delay := apply_delay,
        replication_sets := replication_sets)"
PL/pgSQL function bdr_group_create(text,text,text,integer,text[]) line 3 at 

I can see that the schema exists:
postgres=# \dn
  List of schemas
  Name  |  Owner
 bdr    | postgres
 public | postgres

Any pointers on what I am missing are appreciated.

Steve Boyle

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