El 19/03/15 a las 14:13, Adrian Klaver escibió:
On 03/19/2015 10:02 AM, "Leonardo M. Ramé" wrote:

El 19/03/15 a las 13:09, Adrian Klaver escibió:
On 03/19/2015 08:43 AM, "Leonardo M. Ramé" wrote:

Hi, I'm creating a database dump excluding one table and found only the
sequences created implicitly (using serial type) are created when I
restore the dump.

The command I use is: pg_dump -T table_to_be_excluded mydb

I understand all related objects to the table to be excluded are not
dumpled, but why I don't get any CREATE SEQUENCE command in my dump?.

What version of Postgres?

If I follow you have CREATEd sequence(s) using CREATE SEQUENCE and they
do not show up in the dump file?

It works for me here on 9.3.

Yes that's the problem. The dump is performed using 9.3.5 on windows.

I can not replicate:

aklaver@test=> create sequence test_seq;

aklaver@test=> \d
                    List of relations
  Schema |          Name           |   Type   |  Owner
  public | CamelCap_Quoted         | table    | aklaver
  public | app_sessions            | table    | aklaver
  public | app_users               | table    | aklaver
  public | app_users_vw            | view     | aklaver
  public | app_val_session_vw      | view     | aklaver
  public | camelcap_not_quoted     | table    | aklaver
  public | float_test              | table    | postgres
  public | ins_test                | table    | aklaver
  public | mytable_is_not_readonly | table    | aklaver
  public | mytable_is_readonly     | table    | aklaver
  public | on_duty                 | table    | aklaver
  public | on_duty_id_seq          | sequence | aklaver
  public | seq_counter             | table    | aklaver
  public | t                       | table    | postgres
  public | t_id_seq                | sequence | postgres
  public | tasks                   | table    | aklaver
  public | tasks2                  | table    | aklaver
  public | tasks_task_id_seq       | sequence | aklaver
  public | tbl_test                | table    | aklaver
  public | test_seq                | sequence | aklaver

/usr/local/pgsql93/bin/pg_dump -T app_sessions -U postgres -p 5452 test
 > test_txt.sql

In test_txt.sql:

-- Name: test_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: aklaver

     CACHE 1;

Do you see any warnings/errors when you run the dump?

Sorry for answering too late, but the problem was solved by using pg_dump command line instead of doing the backup from pgAdmin. So I should change the subject of this thread, s/in pg_dump/in pg_admin/g :)


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