
does no one have an idea?

It may be a rare case doing the same UPDATE a thousand times. But I´m really 
interested why this is not happening when doing DIFFERENT updates. And, of 
course,  if something could be done on the database side to prevent this 
behavior in case some application developer does the same “mistake” again.



From: Jan Strube 
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 12:03 PM
To: 'pgsql-general@postgresql.org'
Subject: Performance slowing down when doing same UPDATE many times


we recently found a bug in one of our applications which was doing exactly the 
same UPDATE operation a few thousand times inside a transaction. This caused 
the UPDATEs to become slower and slower from some milliseconds to some seconds. 
We already fixed the application but I am wondering if this might be a 
PostgreSQL bug, too.

Here is a simple test case that performs and benchmarks 100,000 UPDATEs 
(benchmarking only every 10,000th to reduce output):


CREATE TEMP TABLE test (id integer PRIMARY KEY, flag boolean DEFAULT false);

INSERT INTO test (id) SELECT generate_series(1, 100000);

DO $$


  s timestamp;

  e timestamp;


  FOR i IN 1..100000 LOOP

    SELECT clock_timestamp() INTO s;

    UPDATE test SET flag = true WHERE id = 12345;

    SELECT clock_timestamp() INTO e;

    IF i%10000 = 0 THEN

      RAISE NOTICE '%', e-s;

    END IF;


END $$;


The output looks like this:

NOTICE:  00:00:00.000525

NOTICE:  00:00:00.000992

NOTICE:  00:00:00.001404

NOTICE:  00:00:00.001936

NOTICE:  00:00:00.002374

NOTICE:  00:00:00.002925

NOTICE:  00:00:00.003525

NOTICE:  00:00:00.004015

NOTICE:  00:00:00.00453

NOTICE:  00:00:00.004976

The problem only occurs inside a transaction and if the same dataset is 
updated. I´m using PostgreSQL 9.1.15.



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