Can you point me to the source of that quote ? The documentation here does not specify anything about ResultSet closing, or completion ?
Short version is that the driver does not hold the lock past the return of the result set, so unfortunately not. Dave Cramer dave.cramer(at)credativ(dot)ca On 6 March 2015 at 11:27, Philippe EMERIAUD <> wrote: > Hi all, > We have an application based on DB2 database, We are testing this same > application on PostgreSQL database. By default we are in autocommit on mode. > On DB2 (and Oracle), the query SELECT FOR UPDATE locks the row until the > resultset is closed. On PostgreSQL database (all versions) this same query > never locks (because we are in autocommit on mode). But this is a bad > implementation of JDBC specification : "If a connection is in auto-commit > mode, then all its SQL statements will be executed and committed as > individual transactions.[...] The commit occurs when the statement > completes or the next execute occurs, whichever comes first. In the case of > statements returning a ResultSet object, the statement completes when the > last row of the ResultSet object has been retrieved or the ResultSet object > has been closed." > Is it possible to lock row in autocommit on mode on PostgreSQL database ?