On 02/24/2015 06:25 AM, George Woodring wrote:
-- In your original post you mentioned that access to the databases is
through a Web server.
-- Is there just one Web server with one time zone?
We have 2 web servers that are clustered together. They are both set to
Eastern since that is the timezone they are located in.
JDBC Web servers(US/East) <---> 90 database (5 different timezones)
Therefore everything to the end user is passed through the Web servers?
Is there a reason why the databases have different timezones?
Seems to me less complicated to have all the databases share the UTC
timezone. Then you only have one offset, US/East <--> UTC.
iGLASS Networks
www.iglass.net <http://www.iglass.net>
Adrian Klaver
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