On 02/23/2015 01:04 AM, VENKTESH GUTTEDAR wrote:
CCing list.
I have ubuntu 14.04, and i am trying it on my local machine.
when i tried "psql", i am getting the following error :
- psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
What to do next.?
First show us what you are using for connection parameters(DSN)?
Second the above is a different error message. This indicates that
either the Postgres is not running or is running with a different port
then the default of 5432. It also indicates that you are not using -h
localhost, but are trying to connect via a socket.
So first I would look at ps ax | grep post to see if there is a Postgres
instance running?
If there is then you will need to find and look in postgresql.conf to
see what port Postgres is set up on. The port setting is at the top of
the file.
If, as I suspect, Postgres is not actually running then you need to
start it.
Regards :
Venktesh Guttedar.
Adrian Klaver
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