"Raymond O'Donnell" <r...@iol.ie> writes:
> On 14/02/2015 15:42, Shanker Singh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am having problem using parallel pg_dump feature in postgres release
>> 9.4. The size of the table is large(54GB). The dump fails with the
>> error: "pg_dump: [parallel archiver] a worker process died
>> unexpectedly". After this error the pg_dump aborts. The error log file
>> gets the following message:
>> 2015-02-09 15:22:04 PST [8636]: [2-1] user=pdroot,db=iii,appname=pg_dump
>> STATEMENT:  COPY iiirecord.varfield (id, field_type_tag, marc_tag,
>> marc_ind1, marc_ind2, field_content, field_group_id, occ_num, record_id)
>> TO stdout;
>> 2015-02-09 15:22:04 PST [8636]: [3-1] user=pdroot,db=iii,appname=pg_dump
>> FATAL:  connection to client lost

> There's your problem - something went wrong with the network.

I'm wondering about SSL renegotiation failures as a possible cause of
the disconnect --- that would explain why it only happens on large tables.

                        regards, tom lane

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