If I used modulo arithmetic how would the query optimizer know which table
to include and exclude? For example say I did modulo 100 based on the field
client_id.  I create a base table with the trigger to insert the data into
the proper child table. Each table has the constraint (client_id % 100) = X

So if I do select from base table where client_id = 10  would postgres know
to only select from client_table_10? Normally I would always have a
client_id in my queries so hopefully the this could be very efficient.

On Sat, Feb 14, 2015 at 5:12 AM, Vick Khera <vi...@khera.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 7:44 PM, Tim Uckun <timuc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Does anybody have experience with huge number of partitions if so where
>> did you start running into trouble?
> I use an arbitrary 100-way split for a lot of tracking info. Just modulo
> 100 on the ID column. I've never had any issues with that. If you can
> adjust your queries to pick the right partition ahead of time, which I am
> able to do for many queries, the number of partitions shouldn't matter
> much. Only rarely do I need to query the primary table.
> I don't think your plan for 365 partitions is outrageous on modern large
> hardware. For 1000 partitions, I don't know. It will depend on how you can
> optimize your queries before giving them to postgres.

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