On 1/30/15 11:22 AM, Bill Moran wrote:
>Any suggestions on eliminating? Not sure if tools like pg_reorg are
>appropriate (or effective) or even vacuum full (yikes).
>I'd prefer not to take a complete outage - but I would if this bloat is
>really an issue.
I don't know the parameters of the system that uses this DB, but you should
be able to VACUUM FULL or REINDEX those tables pretty quickly.
Be careful if you're running an old version though... at one point
VACUUM FULL would actually make index bloat a lot worse because it
physically moved tuples in the same heap instead of rebuilding the heap
from scratch. If your index bloat is still bad you can REINDEX (at least
I think that's allowed on catalog tables).
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com
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