
I tried as you suggested,  I believe the gdb debugger is giving some false 
indication about threads.
Whether I attach to a newly launched  backend or a backend that has been 
executing the suspect perlu function.
The “info threads” result is two.  Suspiciously  they are both at the same 


* 2    Thread 802c06400 (LWP 101353) 0x000000080bfa50a3 in Perl_fbm_instr ()
   from /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.18/mach/CORE/
* 1    Thread 802c06400 (LWP 101353) 0x000000080bfa50a3 in Perl_fbm_instr ()
   from /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.18/mach/CORE/

That seemed odd to me.  If we use ‘top’ or ‘ps axuwwH’ to get a thread count for
a given process the indication is only one thread for the same situations.

I am now  pursuing a different causal hypothesis.   There are instances of 
segmentation fault that do not involve this perl fx.  Rather it is a function 
is also called regularly even on a basically idle system.  Therefore it is 
perhaps  happenstance as
to which kind might happen.   I believe this may relate to our update process.

Product developers are frequently updating (daily)  environments/packages while 
running postgres and possibly our  application.  I am thinking this update 
process is not properly coordinating with a running postgres and  may result in 
shared library issues.  This thought is consistent  in  that our production 
testers who update
at a much lower frequency almost never see this segmentation fault problem but 
use the same update script.

I’ll attempt some scripts changes and meanwhile ask the developers to make 
observations that would support this idea.

I’ll update the thread with the future observations/outcome.
Possibly changing the subject to careless developers cause segmentation fault

Thanks for your assistance on this matter.


From: Alex Hunsaker []
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 6:10 PM
To: Day, David
Cc:; Tom Lane
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] segmentation fault postgres 9.3.5 core dump perlu 
related ?

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 1:54 PM, Day, David 
<<>> wrote:
Thanks for the inputs,  I’ll attempt to apply it and will update when I have 
some new information.

BTW a quick check would be to attach with gdb right after you connect, check 
info threads (there should be none), run the plperlu procedure (with the right 
arguments/calls to hit all the execution paths), check info threads again. If 
info threads now reports a thread, we are likely looking at the right plperlu 
code. It should just be a matter of commenting stuff out to deduce what makes 
the thread. If not, it could be that plperlu is not at fault and its something 
else like an extension or some other procedure/pl.

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