> DISTINCT ON is my favorite lesser-known Postgres feature.

You said it !  There I was, trying and failing to make "DISTINCT" work
for me, little did I know that the little word ON was missing from my
Postgresql vocabulary !

Thanks !

On 27 January 2015 at 02:24, Maciek Sakrejda <mac...@heroku.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Tim Smith <randomdev4+postg...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> create table templates(
>>    template_id int not null primary key,
>>    template_groupid int not null,
>>    template_version int not null
>>    template_text text not null);
>> Would I need to resort to using a CTE or subquery to make this sort of
>> thing work ?  I can't seem to make it work with group by since group
>> by expects aggregation. Surely I don't need to normalise it into a
>> couple of tables ?
> What sort of thing? Selecting the latest version of each template? Try
>   DISTINCT ON (template_group_id) template_id, template_group_id,
> template_version, template_text
>   templates
>   template_group_id, template_version DESC
> You could even create a latest_templates view for this. DISTINCT ON is my
> favorite lesser-known Postgres feature.

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