Hi Pierre,

Looking at your Excel document I think I misinterpreted, and you are
trying to take the stddev of each column separately (which makes a lot
more sense!). In the case you can say this:

select id, stddev(a), stddev(b), stddev(c) from foo group by id;


On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:15 AM, Paul Jungwirth
<p...@illuminatedcomputing.com> wrote:
> Hi Pierre,
> It looks like you're saying that each row has an id plus three numeric
> columns, and you want the stddev calculated from the three numeric
> columns? In that case you could do this:
> create table foo (id integer, a float, b float, c float);
> insert into foo values (1, 2,3,4);
> insert into foo values (2, 2,3,4);
> select id, stddev(x) from (select id, unnest(array[a,b,c]) x from foo)
> bar group by id;
>  id | stddev
> ----+--------
>   1 |      1
>   2 |      1
> (2 rows)
> But if that's correct, then I think your table is badly structured for
> a relational database. It might be better to have just two columns: an
> id and *one* numeric value. Or perhaps an id and an array of numeric
> values if you really want all values in one row.
> At a higher level, if you are really taking the stddev of a sample of
> size 3, you should reconsider applying statistical analysis to your
> problem at all.
> I hope this helps!
> Paul
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Raymond O'Donnell <r...@iol.ie> wrote:
>> On 21/01/2015 18:02, Pierre Hsieh wrote:
>>> Hi Raymond,
>>> Thanks for your reply. Please see detail as following. Thanks again.
>> Can you describe *in words* what sort of calculation you want to do?
>> Ray.
>> --
>> Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland
>> r...@iol.ie
>> --
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