Is there a way to force a new private transaction in a FUNCTION? That seems
like it would be a good solution here because I could simply do the insert
in the RAISE within its own private transaction. Then on the next iteration
of the loop (as long as I don't have repeatable reads) it should be picked
up. And there should only be a quick recoverable deadlock.

On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Daniel Verite <>

>         Robert DiFalco wrote:
> > I must be doing something wrong because both of these approaches are
> giving
> > me deadlock exceptions.
> Deadlocks are to be expected if the INSERTs are batched within a single
> transaction and there are several sessions doing this in parallel.
> Given that there's an unique constraint on hometowns(name), if this
> sequence
> happens (not even considering the "users" table to simplify):
> Session #1:  begin;
> Session #2:  begin;
> Session #1:  insert into hometowns(name) values('City1');
> Session #2:  insert into hometowns(name) values('City2');
> Session #1:  insert into hometowns(name) values('City2');
>   => Session #1 is put to wait until Session #2 commits or rollbacks
> Session #2:  insert into hometowns(name) values('City1');
>   => Session #2 should wait for Session #1 which is already waiting for
> Session #2: that's a deadlock
> It does not mean that the code meant to insert one user and the town
> without
> race condition is incorrect by itself. The unique_violation handler is not
> called in this scenario because the candidate row is not yet committed by
> the
> other session. This would work in an OLTP scenario when each "user" is
> commited after processing it.
> Avoiding deadlocks between parallel batches is a different problem than
> avoiding race conditions. If you have the above issue, I don't think you
> may
> solve it by tweaking the code of an individual process. It needs to be
> rethought at the level above, the one that initiates this in parallel and
> dictates the commit strategy.
> Best regards,
> --
> Daniel
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