On Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:42:45 +1100
Tobias Fielitz <tob...@streethawk.com> wrote:
> For each query only a few columns are interesting and I could partition
> the table (as it was suggested on SO)
> by *created* and by *code*.
> There is roughly 10 different codes and I would keep data for the last
> two months (partitioned by day). So I would end up having 10 * 60 = 600
> partitions.
> For every partition I could create indexes that are relevant to that
> partition (examples: *created*, *created_on_server* or *latitude* and
> *longitude*).
> I could create the tables myself: one for location log lines, one for
> comment log lines etc. and store them via python in the correct table
> (depending on *code*). Each of these tables would only have the columns
> and indexes needed.
> I expect partitioning to be faster because Postgres selects the correct
> partition for me automatically. I can easily get rid of old data by
> dropping the corresponding partition. The downside of the partition
> approach is that all partitions inherit all columns of the master table
> which is unnecessary (and consumes disc space?).

I gather from the comments in this list that null fields have a very low 
overhead; see :


I would worry a lot more about the maintenance problems option 2 will induce : 
if a code value changes or is added/deleted, your python script needs updating. 
SQL queries will also be a lot more complicated (union select on various 
tables) and harder to optimize. Maintaining the coherence between the script 
and the tables will get harder and harder.

                                        Salutations, Vincent Veyron 

Legal case, contract and insurance claim management software

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